Let’s Play Darts

A recent new client likes to whip up “marketing” pieces to hand out to their clients and prospects hoping that just one or two people will show interest in the offer. They typically like to get 250 to 500 printed pieces for each offer. Doing some quick math, that means the best case ROI (return on investment) of their marketing piece is 0.8%. Go back and read that ROI again. Not even a 1% return. I’d bet it isn’t even ΒΌ% most of the time! Why waste time, effort and money on creating these pieces?

It seems to me that they would be much, much better off spending some time talking with their current clients to find out what makes them tick – why they choose to do business with them instead of the place around the corner. Ask a few key questions, find out what their desires, fears and pains might be of the product… Maybe you’ve heard the term, Ask and you shall receive. Guess what? It works. Asking these key questions of your clients will make it much easier to market to them and to prospects. They will tell you why you’re the best.

Doesn’t that make more sense instead of creating something from scratch and hoping one person might be interested in it? Sure, you can throw a dart at the dartboard in the hope of potentially hitting somewhere on the board. Or, you can ask some key questions and come out hitting the bull’s-eye!

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